
Navigate to your project settings from the project dashboard by clicking on the icon


To complete your profile, you can upload an avatar/logo, enter a name for your DAO, a description, select categories, link your social media accounts to the project and other details. These settings can be changed at any time.



Quorum is the amount of voting power collectively achieved by voters which is required for a proposal to pass.

By default, quorum is disabled. As an option, you can enable it and set up the minimum amount of Voting Power required for a proposal to pass.


Specify how the voting power should be calculated by adding one or up to 5 strategies. To learn more about what they are and how they work head to Voting strategies.


Proposal validation determines if the address can create a new proposal.

By default, proposal creators are limited to Admins and Authors. In this case the Authors only setting is enabled.

As an option, you can authorize other users to create a new proposal. Disable the Authors only setting and set the minimum voting power requirement. This threshold and voting strategies configured for your project will be used to determine if a user is eligible to create a proposal.


In order to specify who can manage the project or create proposals, click on the Add member button, fill in the address field and choose the role. Also it is possible to change the role for already added member.

  • Admins - able to edit the project settings and moderate proposals.

  • Authors - able to create proposals without any constraints

Last updated